Tuesday, October 23, 2018

How Internet Fame Diminishes Both Followers and the Object Of Their Admiration

from: mirror.co.uk

A recent YouTube video from a European internet trainer that I like, and follow, made me cringe.

There was much suspicious about this travel vlog featuring his visit to an American tourist mecca. He was hosted there by one of his online training clients who had a very expensive apartment (or condo) in one of the nation’s most expensive cities in which to live, San Francisco. The client sported no physique development whatsoever, as evidenced both from the duo’s visit to a local gym and the contents of his refrigerator. In one segment the trainer mused about one day having enough money to open his own gym, yet here he is jetting all over the world on a continual basis, seemingly going to one exotic destination or another just about every month.
He ate at SF’s most expensive $ushi re$taurant and enjoyed a $21 hamburger at another. Finally he was stupid enough to show off the fact that as he was at the airport leaving SF for a flight to Los Angeles, he was not flying commercial, but rather on a private jet, raising a lot of questions.
There has been much said about Instagram stars' carefully constructed “perfect” lives and the demoralizing effect it has on some followers, especially after being found out as contrived, exaggerated, or even outright faked. This trainer does neither himself nor his followers any favors by exposing his increasingly inflated ego. His initial modesty was in fact what drew me and many other followers to him in the first place. That segment of his followers who thrive on fantasy will continue to fawn over him, but those who have their feet on the ground will find this change disappointing and demoralizing.

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