Saturday, January 5, 2019

China Poisons Its Own People, So Why Should It Care About You?

Unless you're reading the small print on the packaged food you buy you have no idea what items are imported from China, the most extreme and “we don’t give a fuck” food-poisoner in the world. 

More troubling, “Made In USA” or European countries foods might include ingredients imported from China - because they are cheaper, such as mushrooms - without listing these on the package. It’s all about profit.

I tried to find a video I viewed last year showing the vast numbers of people in China who live within a day’s train ride from Hong Kong who make the long journey there weekly just to buy their food staples because food in China proper is so terribly tainted, but I haven’t located it yet.

However, the video above gives a glimpse of the tragic state of affairs in China regarding an epidemic of tainted food.

It’s a joke to think they’ll be cutting back any time soon on polluting the air and oceans if they don’t even mind killing their own babies. Bribery in China is not just rampant, it's a primary engine powering the country's economy.

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