Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Pec Deck Machine Update For Shoulder Impingement

I have found a way to eliminate shoulder pain from a shoulder impingement. For a long time I had been diagnosed with a tendonitis / rotator cuff problem. This resulted in me trying to "protect" the bad shoulder by unconsciously raising it higher than the good shoulder, even while relaxing at home or driving. 

Once I realized I was shrugging or raising the bad shoulder, but not the good shoulder, I knew that was a problem. To rectify this I prepare for any given exercise by first getting into position, then I deliberately drive the bad shoulder downward in opposition to my tendency to raise or shrug it. Only then do I begin performing the exercise.  

I also found—against my own advising in the above pec deck video to maintain a bend in the elbow—that instead, consciously extending my arm as far out as possible on both the positive and negative portions of the pec deck exercise eliminated all pain.

As always, I need to thoroughly concentrate on every degree in the arc of every movement rather than allow my mind to wander in order to maintain this revamped technique. If my mind wanders at all, my form suffers, and the pain resulting from slipping back into poor form snaps me back to concentrating.

My Workout PhD video is available on AMAZON at THIS LINK.

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