Thursday, January 11, 2018

Don’t Let A Number Get In Your Way

Weight - The same person can have a weight number of 160 lbs. and be flabby with minimal lean muscle mass, or he can weigh 160 lbs. and be jacked and hard. The actual number means nothing. Forget the scale; embrace the mirror. “Quantity vs. Quality”: For bodybuilders who are aiming for a certain weight number (quantity) rather than quality physique, the number means nothing. The mirror will reveal the truth.

Age - People use the age number to excuse themselves from engaging in physical activity. Others use age to dismiss older people in the fitness industry having decades of experience to draw upon for their knowledge and advice.

Measurements - Those who are working toward 21 inch arms may find their size is won without any regard for esthetics: there exist men with beautiful, sculpted, multi-faceted 21 inch arms, and men with bloated, smooth, fat, shapeless 21 inch arms. Once more: the mirror.

Length of Workout - I respect Jeff Cavaliere’s YouTube advice, except for his claim you should spend no more than 40 minutes (!!) working out. There are multiple reasons for longer workouts, ranging from sheer enjoyment, stress relief and self satisfaction, to only having two days to spare for a gym workout each week—and more. Only you can decide the optimal number of minutes or hours spent in the gym.

Reps and Sets - The classic “3 sets of 10 reps” is not set in stone. Aiming for 10 sets can mean utilizing shitty form for the last 4 or 5 reps just to race toward completing that number. As a trainer I tell clients that I’d rather they do one rep with optimal weight and perfect form than 10 sloppy reps. Once you master that one perfect rep, you can then aim for two, then three. Within months you’ll be up to 8, or 10, or 12 perfect reps—that number is up to you. And your results will zoom. Once you’re in the groove, your body will tell you that day’s number. It may be more, or may be less, than the number from the previous workout. 

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