Monday, July 9, 2018

Comparative Workout Advice


For those who blow off their workout too often, or entirely, it might be useful to consider your body similarly to how you consider your car. The two have a lot in common actually, not the least of which is getting you where you need to go every day.

One way to avoid maintaining your body or maintaining your car is to deny that it’s getting older with each passing year, that it doesn’t need maintaining because it still runs "all right," and because it hasn’t broken down and left you stranded. Yet.

Sure, your body / car is not as pretty as it once was. It has a few little dings here and there and doesn’t run as well as it did, but it still gets you where you need to go. And of course if you’re not fixing the little things as they happen, the mechanical as well as the cosmetic, as time goes by these little things can lead to bigger, uglier, more costly, more inconvenient problems down the road, but hey—who’s got the time to properly maintain a car—or a body?

1 comment:

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