Sunday, July 22, 2018

Gym Workouts Vs. Manual Labor

I hit the gym AND the yardwork too.

I’ve always hit it hard at the gym: challenging weight, short rest periods, intense concentration. Yet even though I am temporarily drained when I leave the gym I’m still able to do my other daily and work-related tasks.

On the other hand, physical labor, such as yard work or helping friends move knocks me out. Afterward I need a good rest and I am not prone to devoting full energies to whatever else I have to do that day.

What’s the difference? Two hours at the gym leaves me tired but still energetic, while two hours of manual labor makes me want to take a nap.

Perhaps it has something to do with manual labor being disorganized and more unpredictable than a practiced workout, but it still perplexes me why a heavy workout at the gym is less draining to me than the same amount of heavy manual labor.

What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I believe you're right - it's the mental disorganization. You don't know how long the manual labor will last or what exactly you will need to do. Therefore, you can't prepare mentally for it.
