Wednesday, July 3, 2019

The Perverse Psychology Behind Anti-Shaming

In our Nation's police departments, not only is there no program of psychological testing in place for police academy candidates so as to root out those emotionally unfit for the job, but once training is over, police officers are never again tested for physical fitness or ability.

The way man since the beginning of time has kept errant members of the group in line is by shaming.

It seems the need to be liked/respected is built into human DNA, so historically the majority of people have reacted positively to shaming by other members of the group.

What has changed in recent years is the popular response to shaming, which is anti-shaming. Rather than change their errant ways—whatever these might be perceived to be— people instead demand that others simply stop shaming. Ironically, this is accomplished by their shaming of the shamers.

Body shaming is an important example. The state of our bodies is a literal mirror image of our inner self esteem. If we have high self esteem we care for our body, its health, its appearance, its strength and mobility. To intentionally live inside a vehicle that one is willfully sabotaging day in and day out broadcasts the worst possible negative message about that person's self esteem. Rather than accept the obviousness of this, and change their ways, Deniers go in the opposite direction, continuing self-sabotage while claiming critics are wrong to shame them for it.

Nothing changes the truth that everyone is totally responsible for their own body, despite the upwelling of pushback by those who, having compromised their bodies, refuse to take responsibility for that. And nothing will change the mindset of those whose ability to just get through another day is wholly dependent upon their lying to themselves. 

Pretending to be proud of a wrecked body, or worse, claiming “every body is beautiful in its own unique way,” is perverse. This is a health issue, and willfully compromising one's own health is perverse. No one who has ever shed their obesity or regained their health has ever regretted doing so.

Joe Rogan's guest explains that the shortage of candidates for Special Forces
is due to an increasingly weak and obese population.

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