Sunday, September 6, 2020

You ARE What You Eat

People naturally reject anything that doesn't dovetail with their current choices. And the time-honored "You are what you eat" is a prime example.

Canada's CBC has a great show called Marketplace that reveals how food corporations — with the approval of the US' FDA, Canada's CFIA, and similar government agencies worldwide — defraud us by promoting the labeling of their products as "healthy," when in fact they are a danger to our health.

"Garbage in, garbage out" certainly applies to the diet we choose, so those who expect quality muscular gains from hard workouts that are followed by a stop at McDonalds or Pizza Hut have to realize how dumb that is.

A bigger concern, rejected furiously by parents with kids who are autistic or suffer AHD and other behavioral problems and health problems, is that their choices - smoking, drinking, drugging, junk food eating - degraded the health and viability of their sperm and their eggs. Worse, when females continue these terrible choices while pregnant, the fetus cannot possibly develop to its full potential.

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