Friday, November 3, 2017

The True Psychology Behind “Steroid” Trolling.

It’s interesting how many online fitness comments are freak-outs by people emotionally opposing “steroids.”

The word steroids is in quotes here because so many of the ignorant wrongly believe that substances like 516, testosterone, human growth hormone (HGH) and the like are also “steroids.” They are not.

Beside the fact they don’t know what they’re talking about, or maybe because they don’t know what they are talking about, we have the question of why they are so emotionally invested in this subject. 

Any YouTube video featuring a well-built man will always be followed by a flurry of freak-outs and put-downs by people too dumb to realize what the rest of us are laughing at them about: their obsession with watching endless videos featuring beautiful men entirely cancels out their “no homo” disclaimers. It is understandable that those who have failed to achieve a desired level of physical perfection are angry at themselves yet unwilling to blame themselves for their lack of effort. Rather than take any personal responsibility, insecure humans who fail cope by searching out scapegoats. In this case their rule of thumb is, “anybody who looks better than me must be on steroids,” because none of these underachievers want to admit they just don’t have the impetus, willpower or dedication to carry through with their own dream of creating for themselves an awesome physique. Yet there they are, day after day watching hours of videos featuring beautiful men. Hmm.

The reason why one’s physical failings with regard to attractiveness is such an emotional hot-button issue in our society is because no one but ourselves stands in the way of maintaining a healthy weight or achieving a physical transformation for the better. Our failures in business or relationships can always be scapegoated as being the fault of others, but since we alone decide our level of physical activity and food intake, the results of those personal choices are entirely on us. The trolls disagree, claiming they have no say in the matter. Their way of coping with their refusing to take responsibility for their own failures is to deny proper respect and due credit to others for their success, usually by claiming some “unfair advantage.” They fail to learn that putting others down not only never elevates the critic, but instead exposes the critic to scorn and ridicule.

That’s just how society’s biggest failures have always operated.

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