Monday, July 8, 2019

Choose Your Junk Food Wisely

If you don't think hot dogs are junk food, then call up a YouTube video showing how hot dogs are made. North Americans especially love their hot dogs, as do I.

There are scores and scores of different brands of hot dogs in the US and Canada, especially locally-made regional favorites like Nathans in New York City and Redondo in Hawaii that people are partial to. But few of these are in the "more healthful" category.

"Healthful" does not necessarily mean "healthy" but rather in my definition "less junky."

To ease your conscience at this summer's cookouts try Hebrew National not just for taste but for quality: kosher means products have to meet strict guidelines for cleanliness and higher quality ingredients.  Hebrew National makes a number of choices which score very high in most taste tests.  Another choice is Trader Joe's which score lower in taste tests overall than Hebrew National, but score well for incorporating higher quality ingredients.

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