Thursday, August 8, 2019

Too Old Or Too Weak?

The vast majority of people are unfit physically. They are weak. Their agility and mobility have been compromised by physical inactivity in general and the lack of any exercise program in particular.

In truth we do not know the details of THIS STORY, but the grandmother was driving, and the car ended upside down with a baby dangling in a child’s car seat. The grandmother was neither incapacitated nor even injured, according to this report, yet there is no evidence in this story that she tried to climb out of the car, much less tried to save the baby. Passers-by were tasked with doing so.

Denial and justification are tools much overused when humans are confronted with their failing to care for themselves. Had circumstances been different that baby could have died, if the car caught fire or afterward was hit by another vehicle or ended up in a waterway. Many scenarios could have made this worse, yet the real fact is this grandmother - who literally could be as young as 40 - could not extricate herself or the baby despite her not being injured.

This exact scenario plays out daily, hourly, all over the world. People too weak, too immobile, too fat to extricate themselves and their loved ones from a dangerous situation—a fire, live shooter, flood, etc.— merely due to their being physically unfit to an extreme degree. These are the same people who scream in favor of “body positivity” and against “fat shaming,” who twist logic and common sense to justify their choice of self-neglect resulting in compromised mobility that could—and all too often does—result in tragedy. 

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