Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Why Nutrition Labels Need To Include Country of Origin

Chinese noodles are just one example of intentional poisoning.
Search youtube for dozens of videos about poisoned

baby formula, chocolate, meat and more.

China can’t be trusted—neither to contain a viral pandemic that can kill you, nor to produce food that's not going to kill you. 

The understaffed and overwhelmed FDA cannot be trusted either. The FDA, which is a US government agency tasked with monitoring the safety of our food, only inspects a TINY percentage of food, both imported and domestic.

Obviously when vital information about our food is withheld from us, or missing altogether, there’s something rotten in Denmark.

Chinese citizens in Shenzhen, a huge city very close to Hong Kong, board the train with multiple empty suitcases weekly to load up on food in Hong Kong, including baby formula due to the history of poisoning of China’s food by illicit manufacturers.

Most people don’t know anything at all about what the hell is in the food they’re eating—and most people don’t seem to care, yet they want to complain about their illnesses, their lack of progress at the gym, sleep issues, digestive issues, etc., as if physical problems have no relation to what they are eating. 

China has no qualms about poisoning its babies, much less adults, as the video I will post at the end of this clearly, blatantly shows—so why would you eat anything that comes from China? Thousands of beloved pet dogs have died from Chinese-manufactured dog treats, yet PetCo and many of the big box stores STILL continue to stock these deadly time bombs.

It’s time we can see, in LARGE PRINT, on the very visible Nutrition label on all foods, right there AT THE TOP, the country where that food, or any ingredients whatsoever in that food, was manufactured, grown and raised.

Just try and find such information on current packaging. If it doesn’t say where it originates, then it’s suspect. If it was made/grown/raised in a trustworthy country, then the corporate goons who sell it would be shouting that positive asset from the rooftops; but the fact they do not tells the true tale.

Read your labels.

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