Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Ross Edgley Is The Real Deal

Being a life-long magazine contributor as writer and photographer and graphic designer, I keep a close eye on the medium. I love magazines—paper magazines and digital both. 

It’s interesting that various international versions of GQ will sometimes share some fascinating articles—but usually not. American GQ has a fitness contributor in a person named Jay Willis while British GQ has Ross Edgley. One difference is we never see proof of what Willis has accomplished for himself physically, to back up his qualifications to be advising anybody, while Edgley is pictured in all his physically-fit glory on a regular basis, as in the photos borrowed here from British GQ. American GQ relegates Fitness to the bottom of the splash page, revealing their lack of respect for self-care as well as not “getting” the number one rule of Men’s Fashion: Clothes only look their intended best on a fit body.

It's exhausting just reading about Ross Edgley’s challenging of himself, always upping the ante and finding unusual ways to push the fitness envelope to extremes. For me, Edgley is commendable for not just looking amazing—he’s built for himself the best body in the business— but for using the muscle he has built to test himself strength and endurance-wise. After all, building large and abundant muscle should be synonymous with strength, endurance and vitality, but somehow that equation has been minimized, or even lost, along the way.

Take a few minutes and have an inspiring read of the latest Edgley-authored piece describing his latest strength and endurance feat which led to an unintentional world record HERE in British GQ.

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