Saturday, November 4, 2017


Have you ever wondered why certain people get so wrapped up in inconsequential subjects? They do this as a way of deflecting from what is really important so that they don’t have to confront and deal with those other important things. People for example rage over supplements, their convoluted claim being their use is “cheating” or “unfair.” This despite supplements being a billion-dollars-a-year industry and the majority of westerners taking at least one supplement. The critics present know-it-all disinformation gleaned from the internet in which they pick and choose only those sources that support their favored views and avoiding those that disprove their beliefs.

In many other areas of life as well, deflecting allows people comfort from having to recognize, and then FIX, what is truly wrong. In the USA one reliable deflection surfaces reliably every few years—flag burning. People get all emotional and enraged about the propriety of burning the American flag because they can get away with it. Opposing flag burning for them is a safe issue for which they believe they will not be shamed or appear foolish (except by those who see through their deflection). It is human nature to not want to deal with that which makes us uncomfortable, but pressure nevertheless builds up as we avoid dealing, and ”safe” issues like flag burning allow people to let off steam safely with few if any negative blowback.

An interesting article appears in Australian Men’s Fitness HERE that dismantles the history of criticism pertaining to creatine supplementation, and how even when disinformation is proven wrong, the need-to-believers continue disseminating the same falsehoods over and again as this provides them comfort and a feeling of control amid the tumult and chaos of their lives.

Indeed this is the whole explanation behind trolling: uneducated, willfully ignorant, insecure and emotionally unstable personalities lashing out at others rather than fixing themselves. Trolls never see themselves as the problem or as being at fault, much less in need of education, which in itself is a mental disorder.

It’s up to the individual to research any fitness method that appears promising, whether it be a novel workout technique, foods promoted as “muscle-building,” so-called “dangerous” exercises, supplements, hormone therapy, anabolics, and the like. Keep in mind that people only scream and get angry when they are frightened, so the next rant you see online filled with caps and exclamation points, understand that for what is.     

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