Wednesday, September 18, 2019

GQ Declares That Millions of Real People Actually Aren’t.

Whenever I read or hear from the whiny schlubs of this world, such as Gianluca Russo in the perpetually harebrained GQ Magazine, that the uncomplicated task of maintaining my one-and-only non-dad body is “unrealistic,” I wonder how does this poor dude not know how transparently insecure and inculpable he comes off? “Inculpable,” btw, is a fancy word that means “Hey, don’t blame me, it’s not my fault!”

I also quite enjoy being called “unrealistic” by an unaccomplished boy based on the fact that I respect myself enough to eat responsibly and exercise regularly. Because oddly enough, I realize that this body of mine has to last an entire lifetime. 

How is it we never read parallel pieces in GQ about how maintaining our designer wardrobe, our motor vehicle (car, ATV, boat, snowmobile, etc.), our apartment, computer or wristwatch collection is “unrealistic”?

"This is a fact: the vast majority of people put more energy, money, care and pride in their cars than they do their own body."

Endless hours are spent maintaining the steel vehicle that carries them through town, while zero hours are spent maintaining the flesh vehicle—their body— that carries them though life.

I have far more respect for people who, when it comes to living a healthful lifestyle, honestly state “I just don’t feel like it” than losers like Russo who write on and on—and on—trying to justify the unjustifiable. No one has to read between the lines to know that Russo feels awful about the self-neglect that gets triggered by his viewing photos of amazing physiques. Heads up, Russo: there are untold thousands upon thousands of males on Instagram and Facebook (and many more not on social media) who belie your screed about just how “unrealistic” it is to build and maintain a top-grade physique.

But I caution against your investigating these, as the sheer volume of "unrealistic" males on this planet might just send you into a tailspin.

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