Thursday, September 5, 2019

Unqualified Female Writers School Men On Male Fitness

I am on the mailing list of a female writer whose main area of writer’s success seems to be fitness, and often male-specific fitness. She asks me for input on various articles she is writing on the subject. The problem is that she has a lot of weak areas when it comes to fitness knowledge and expertise, which she hopes professionals like yours truly will help her with by providing our input. My question is, how does this woman get so many writing assignments in an area in which she is deficient—fitness— and for an audience of which she is not a member—male—and why am I, fitness author and lifelong fitness trainer, not asked to write such articles? Why are so many men’s magazines and websites hiring women to school men on male fitness?

I began to notice the many workout, bodybuilding fitness articles regularly appearing on male-oriented websites and in men’s magazines such as GQ, Men’s Health, Men’s Journal and others, all written by females. Why are women given these assignments, and what qualifications do they have? No qualifications are listed; there are no photos of the writer included that allow us to gauge her fitness level, no biography citing her fitness expertise or history. And often the articles are absolute vacuous fluff offering little of substance, such as the one pictured above.

I have the same issue with male writers as well, as far as experience and qualifications, as rarely are these crucial details provided the reader so as to be able to quantify the writer’s suitability for advising per the subject matter he espouses.

As a male fitness professional who daily wears the proof of my knowledge on the subject, I put no store in uncredentialed females advising males on something they so clearly know little about. As a male I know precious little about estrogen and would feel like a fraud advising women on the subject. Are these publications assigning women these male-oriented articles because they pay females less than males, or perhaps nothing at all? Little other than that possibility makes any sense.

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