Sunday, February 11, 2018

Apparently Looking and Feeling Good Is Now Some Impossible Standard.


As someone who has written for multiple magazines and newspapers through the years I am always disturbed by irresponsible journalism - and I use the term journalism loosely in this example.

An ongoing theme in the Media in recent years has been to give a voice to the wailings and thrashings of “males” - and I use that term here loosely also - and their hand-wringing enablers who feel an unbearable, unfair and unrealistic pressure to actually become physically fit. To attach a phrase as vile as “impossible standards” —as the Media has so often done lately—to something as basic and essential to one's quality of life as physical fitness is reprehensible.

Apparently there’s a whole subset of losers who, due to movie stars’ physical transformations to take on film roles depicting superheroes, feel brutalized by societal “pressure” to become physically fit themselves. And the media loves to enable this self-humiliation, wallowing, and self-pity rather than chuckle about the feebleness of these put-upon guys’ laughable claim and the low standards they've set for themselves.

Claiming to feel unfairly pressured to look like a superhero or some Instagram fitness model is as silly as claiming to feel unduly pressured to become a billionaire—except that making money totally depends on interactions with other people, whereas any idiot can become physically fit all by himself in the privacy of his own room. Making money depends on the cooperation of others to provide it to you, whereas becoming physically fit is totally on you alone. You may well not be to blame if you’re not making good money right now, but you ARE totally to blame if you look like shit. To those complainers I say nobody’s shoving bad food down your throat. No one has you duct taped to the chair in front of your computer.

For some reason these same boys don’t cry about society’s expectations that they try to build a successful career or business for themselves, to act as a responsible parent to their children, financially and otherwise, or take a bath once in a while. But they draw the line at physical exertion, at any intimation they should take responsibility for not being physically strong, physically fit, physically able and physically healthy.

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