Sunday, February 25, 2018

We Can All Relax Now Because GQ Has Let Us Off The Hook.

These are "impossible-to-obtain god bods," declares GQ Magazine.

Phew! Finally we can all settle down and chill now that GQ Magazine has officially declared the physiques obtained by Hollywood actors “impossible to obtain.” Oh, wait a minute…if they’re “impossible to obtain” then how did these dudes go about obtaining them? CGI maybe? Don’t know. GQ’s brilliant brand of investigative journalism failed to delve into that conundrum.

If you are an excuse-making dude you will appreciate this article HERE  which once more unintentionally reminds us that fitness is a lifestyle that we—and only we—are in control of.

We don’t ever read similar articles in GQ or elsewhere by self-pitying guys upset that they don’t drive a Maserati, or yacht around the Mediterranean all summer long. We don’t hear the same phrase “impossible-to-obtain” directed at examples of great marriages or life-long best friends or fulfilling careers or condos with Central Park views, because all of the above require the participation and cooperation of others. Whereas obtaining a great physique requires NOBODY but poor little old them. There’s no one other than themselves to blame when they fill their face with fast food, their lungs with cigaret smoke, and their free time with Netflix.

And because they are all quite aware that no one is holding them back other than themselves they invent and apply phrases like “impossible-to-obtain” to the one and only thing in life that they truly can obtain, but are just too lazy and unplugged to pursue.

Stand back as the avalanche of excuses thunder by.

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