Sunday, February 4, 2018

Smoking Says: “I Hate Myself, But I Hate You Even More.”

GQ France has determined 4 techniques for impeccable skin—using a model with a cigaret in his hand—none of which include the fact than NOTHING destroys skin tone texture and health as irreversibly as does smoking.

Setting fire to a bunch of weeds that have been adulterated by cigaret manufacturers with concentrated nicotine and other chemicals to make them all the more potently addictive, then sucking this searingly hot, tar-unfused toxic gas cloud deep into your lungs, scorching your throat and bronchial tubes along the way, destroying the first line of defense against inhaled impurities—the cillia—on contact, hour after hour, day after day, is the ultimate act of self-loathing.

Smokers of course know all this full well, but denial is the universal coping mechanism we all use to justify our stupidity and selfishness, am I right? So they go on inhaling, deep, deep down, gumming up their lungs with black goo, creating cancer lesions, subjecting family members to their deadly pollution, demanding that all those around them accept without complaint their wanton contamination of everyone else’s breathing air, burning their children to death in house fires. Over 1,000 Americans die annually and 3,000 are permanently scarred by fires caused by smoking, in most cases, someone else's smoking.

People lighting up are telling all those in their vicinity that they alone get to determine the cleanliness of the very air that every other creature requires to live. Totally unnoticed, 400,000 Americans die every year due to smoking, their own smoking and that of others. If 400,000 Americans died every year from terrorism, the nation would implode, but apparently 400,000 people dying from smoking is perfectly acceptable.

Nothing so embodies a person’s complete lack of self worth than the dirty slow expensive debilitating repulsive suicide of smoking. Nothing embodies the hubris and literally breathtaking entitlement of those who believe they get to determine the health and comfort—even the very existence—of those they come in contact with.

Smokers stink, by every definition of the word. 

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